26 Jul 2012

iPad Tips: Use Spotlight to Find Things

Use Spotlight to Find Things

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Spotlight is the search screen that you access by hitting the Home button when you are on the first screen of apps. It has a search field at the top. 

Start typing and it begins to populate the list with things on your iPad, like apps, contacts, and appointments. To take this a step further than the regular iPad user did, go into Settings and tap on the General tab. 

Hit the Home item in the fourth section. That screen lets you choose what your Home button does. If you choose Search Results at the bottom you can tell the OS what to search when typing into the Spotlight.

iPad Tips: Use Spotlight to Find Things

iPad Tips: Add Two More Apps in Dock

Add Two More Apps in Dock

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There are four default apps in your dock at the bottom of the iPad screen. But you can actually add two more. As you would move any app to a new location or screen, tap and hold one of the app icons till it starts dancing. Then move it on to the dock.

The first image above has four and the second is with the two extra apps for a total of six, so easy!

iPad Tips: Add Two More Apps in Dock

iPad Tips: Easy and Quick Mute

Easy/Quick Mute

Unlike the iPhone, there's no dedicated mute switch on the iPad. There you are, in the back row of a funeral just minding your own business when, oops, you forgot to mute those YouTube clips on your iPad! However, you can still cut the sound in a hurry if you need to pretend you're doing something serious instead of watching the latest YouTube viral.

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Apple decided to make the volume buttons do double duty. Tap them repeatedly and the volume will go up or down. But if you press and hold the volume down button for about two seconds, then you get a quick mute.

iPad Tips: Easy and Quick Mute

iPad Tips: Shut Down Your iPad For Real

Shut Down Your iPad For Real

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When you press the power button on the iPad it really just turns off the screen. That‘s why it comes on so fast. What you may want to do to conserve battery life or recover from a freeze is do a reboot.

To do this just hold down both the power button and Home button until the red slider appears on the screen. Slide it and the iPad will shut down. Give it a minute and then you can restart it by pressing the power button again. 
It seems to take a few seconds before it responds so be patient. And, to force quit an application, just hold the home button by itself in a similar fashion.

iPad Tips: Shut Down Your iPad For Real

How to Trace an IP Address

How to Trace an IP Address

What they're doing is tracing the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the bad guy. Whenever you go online, your computer is assigned a unique IP address, as is every computer connected to the Internet. An IP address is needed to send and receive information, much like a street address is needed to receive regular mail. Tracing an IP address is not very hard to do, and we'll show you how.

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Website IP Address

1. Open a command console. On a Mac, it's called Terminal and it's in the Utilities folder. On a PC, click on Start, then Accessories, and then Command Prompt. This will let us ping any website to find out the IP address of that website.
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2. Ping an address. This sends a signal out to a URL—like a sonar, hence the name—which then bounces back with the website information attached, and how long the round trip took.
Type "ping [URL]" - example: ping www.facebook.com.

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3. Press return. The IP address should appear beside the website name, followed by how many seconds or milliseconds the ping took.
The format of an IP address is numeric, written as four numbers separated by periods. For Facebook, the IP address is

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Email IP Address

1. Open your email client. To find the IP of an email sent to you, you can investigate the message's headers—that stuff that looks like a keyboard exploded on the message.

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2. Show headers. From the View menu, select the option that lets you view all or extended headers, and your To/From section will blossom with new information. From all that information, you only need a couple bits to search for.
Next to the Received section you will see something like "from..... and an IP address as described above. Select one of those, and copy it to the clipboard. In this case, we'll select, and copy it. We can see that it says Received from mx-out.facebook.com, so we'll do a test to see if that's accurate.

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3. Open a command console. This is described above. Only this time, instead of doing a ping on a known address, we're going to run a whois check.
In your terminal window, by the flashing cursor, type whois, and press Enter. The information will be sent out to a database, queried, and then returned with the registration information for that IP address.

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In this case, we can verify that the message was sent through Facebook. Notice we also have their full address.
4. Use an alternative lookup. You may not want to use the terminal, or perhaps it's not loaded on your computer. Instead, you can try using an internet lookup, such as ip-lookup, which gives you much the same information as a whois lookup, and in many cases, much more.

How to Trace an IP Address


20 Jul 2012

Create a bootable CD or DVD with or without floppy

Create a bootable CD or DVD with or without floppy

With the CD-ROM available on almost every computer nowaday, floppy drives become a history. However, for those who find computers a hobby, might run into a situation when they need to create a bootable CD that works just like the old floppy disk. Unfortunately, to do this, you still need a floppy drive to read your bootup floppy disk. Wait, the good news is, you can just down load a bootable ISO image and burn it to a CD. And even better, we have a copy of an ISO image right here. You can download this image and follow the instructions below, or you can do a web search for more options.

The information on this article will guide you step-by-step how to create a bootable CD/DVD, either using a bootup floppy disk or a boot image file. You will end up having a bootable CD or DVD, with CD-ROM driver supported, that could startup your PC and bring up the command prompt. This is going to be a good starting point, then you can run other utilities such as hard drive ghost, etc..

Many current CD/DVD burning software support the bootable feature. If you already have your favorite burning software, look around to find the bootable option. For this article, I will use the steps and sample screen-shots with the burning tool called Nero.

You will need a boot disk (floppy) or a bootable ISO image to start. If you don't have one, you can download an ISO image here. This boot image is Windows-98 based, which means it uses the Windows 98 bootup sequence, which should do what we need. You can also download different boot disk images from the internet. I've found bootdisk.com has a very good collection.

I assume that you already have Nero installed. Also, it is highly recommended to use a rewritable disc so you can redo the process if you have to.

1. Launch Nero Burning ROM
2. At the New Compilation Window, select "CD" from the drop-down menu and select "CD-ROM (Boot)" for CD, (or select "DVD" and "DVD-ROM (Boot)" for DVD)

3. If you use a bootup floppy disk, insert the floppy disk and select "Bootable logical drive..."

4. If you use an image file, select "Image File" then click "Browse" to browse to the image.

At the "Open" Window, browse to the location where you saved the boot image and choose the image you wish to use and click "Open" (you might need to change the "Files of type" to "All Files" in order to see files with different extensions.)

 5. Click "New" at the New Compilation Window.

 6. Nero New Compilation Window disappears and Nero brings up its main screen where you can add more files to the CD/DVD if you wish. For example, adding a "ghost" folder with the file "ghost.exe" as follows.
    Once you're done adding all the files you wish to, click on the "Burn" icon.

7. At the "Burn Compilation" Window, select "Burn"!

Related Articles:

Create a boot image from a floppy boot disk 

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Create a bootable CD or DVD with or without floppy

Reference: http://thecomputertricks.com/

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Computer Hope chat

17 Jul 2012

Perform a Disk Defragmentation

Perform a Disk Defragmentation

Windows isn’t very efficient when it comes to storing files. It actually splits them up, depositing them into whatever spaces are available. The more spaced apart the pieces of a file are, the harder your computer has to work to make them run. The Windows disk defragmentation system tune-up utility works to piece all of those files back together again. The process is a long one, though, and only needs to be done about four times per year. Set it up to run automatically once every three months. By doing so, you’ll be able to keep your computer running in tiptop shape.

Perform a Disk Defragmentation

Empty the Recycle Bin

Empty the Recycle Bin

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When you click “delete” on a file or a program, it doesn’t go away for good – not immediately, anyway. Instead, it sits in a kind of purgatory in your computer’s Recycle Bin.

As things pile up in the Recycle Bin, your computer can start exhibiting some very annoying problems.

If sluggish startups and frequent crashes are occurring with increasing frequency – and your computer’s recycle bin is very full – go ahead and empty it.

From then on, get into the habit of doing so about one time per week. This small but important strategy can make a huge difference.

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Empty the Recycle Bin

Remove Unneeded Programs

Remove Unneeded Programs

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Like many people, you probably download and try out many different programs each month. How many of them do you actually end up using on a regular basis? Chances are, not very many of them. By getting into the habit of uninstalling unused and unneeded programs, you can keep your computer’s file system a lot less cluttered. In turn, your PC’s performance will improve dramatically. You can optimize your computer in this way by using its Add/Remove Programs feature. Its location varies by operating system, but you should be able to find it somewhere in the Control Panel.

Remove Unneeded Programs

Remove Unneeded Files

Remove Unneeded Files

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Every time you log on to the Internet or otherwise use your computer, temporary files are generated.

They are usually only needed once; however, they don’t disappear on their own. Instead, they accumulate over time until they are cluttering up your computer’s file system and affecting its performance.

While it’s possible to remove these files one-by-one, it’s much easier and quicker to use a PC cleaning tool that’s designed for the purpose.

Try to do so about one time per week to keep your computer humming along with ease.

Remove Unneeded Files

Clean Your Computer’s Windows Registry

Clean Your Computer’s Windows Registry

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The biggest cause of slow, sluggish PC performance is errors and problems within its Windows registry. Adware, spyware and other threats usually target the registry, damaging or misplacing important files within it. When it comes to PC cleaning, a daily Windows registry cleaning should be at the top of your list of priorities. However, this should never be done manually – there are too many opportunities for major errors that could seriously damage your PC’s operating system. Instead, invest in a high-quality Windows registry cleanup program and configure it to run once per day – you won’t believe the difference that it makes.

Clean Your Computer’s Windows Registry

Tips for Speeding Up Your PC

Tips for Speeding Up Your PC

Few things are as frustrating as dealing with a slow, sluggish computer. When a computer is brand new, it works wonderfully well. Over time, though, its performance can slowly begin to worsen. This happens for a number of reasons, but the biggest culprits are things like spyware, adware and other computer threats that are unwittingly downloaded along with other content while online. You don’t have to download thousands of MP3s, movies or other items to experience these problems, either – nobody is immune to them. Instead of accepting the situation, there are plenty of techniques and strategies that you can use to make it better – a few of the best ones are outlined below.

Tips for Speeding Up Your PC

Top 10 Facebook tips

Top 10 Facebook tips
Below is a listing of our top 10 tips for the popular social networking website Facebook.

Hide users, games, polls, etc.

It quickly gets annoying seeing some users posts, game invites, polls, etc. Hovering your mouse to the right of the post and clicking the Hide button as shown below can hide any post. Once this button is pressed you'll be prompted with the option to hide that user or in the case of a Facebook application the option to hide that application from ever showing up on your profile.

To unhide someone or unblock an application click the Edit Options link in the bottom right corner of the news feed as shown below.

Greasemonkey and FB Purity

Although Facebook does not allow the ability to hide friends getting new friends messages, friends becoming fans of something, and some application messages they can still be hidden with browser add-ons. If you're running Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari we suggest installing the Facebook Purity add-on.

Top 10 Facebook tips

Reference : http://www.computerhope.com

14 Jul 2012



We have reported several services to create slide shows of photos using photo albums loaded on your Facebook profile. What we announce today is different from the others, however, for both simplicity and functionality but also because it uses the new web standard, HTML5.

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SlideMyPics allows you to create slideshows in HTML5 by importing photos from Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket or SmugMug. Once you upload the photos (after you have logged in from Facebook), you can organize your photos, add effects, set the transitions from one photo to another, the background music of your choice, the size of the video and more.

Once you have completed your slide show it will be available to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, or to be “embedded” on a website.

The creation of the slideshow takes no more than 5 minutes. LINKS: http://www.slidemypics.com/



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Sometimes we delete the files permanently, and realize that deleting them is like a Blunder…

For all those folks,
Here is the solution
Software called “Kissass Undelete” , can bring those files from the hard disk or your flash drive.
Conditions : Only if the data on that drive is not re-occupied(or written). that means the space which was available after the deletion is not been occupied after the deletion.

Click Here to download the .
1) To start searching for the files, Select the drive from the Left panel of the Windows and Click the scan button. the Scan might take upto 10 secs.

2) When the files search has been completed, it will show you the results with the name, typ, size and the last modified date of the searched file.

3) Now you can select the file to be recover. This is an Open source application and available for All Windows OS(Windows XP/Vista/ 7).


How do you protect your computer? 

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Check this Out[Works For Windows XP ,Vista]

This trick will help against Hackers & Viruses(Mostly for Viruses it is Helpful)

Caution: You must be Admin or must have Admin privileges

Step 1:

Go To “Folder Option” in “Control Panel” –>”View Tab”
Uncheck “Use Simple File Sharing” –> Apply & OK

Step 2:

Right Click on C: Drive(If Operating System is installed in C: drive) –> Properties.
You will see a new tab as “Security”, click on it .
Select User’s at “Group or user names” (you will see all permissions of users on C:Drive) –>Edit It As per your requirement(Suggestion: Uncheck Write Permission For All Users except Admin) & Apply it.
Restart It!!


Passwords are generally stored in fire fox in a encrypted form in their database…
Now lets learn how a hacker could decrypt these passwords…


First download Fire Password Viewer Download FirePasswordViewer

Install Fire Password Viewer

Click On Start Recovery Button:

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Now u will see a list of stored user names and passwords:
Click on Save As HTML Button And save with any file name..

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Close the application:

Go to My Documents(Itz the default folder where files is saved as default)

Click the file u have created previously

U will find all ur passwords and usernames there in the file:

Now let us find some methords to defend it:

Using a Master Password:

Master password helps to protect our data using a password:

How to set Master Password in FireFox?:

  • Open Firefox

  • Go To Tools

  • Options—->Security

  • Check Use a Master Password

  • Enter new Password

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Press Enter And u r Done!!


Many friends of me ask where can I download a software which can keep my RAM free? And I found these software are nothing but using some lines of code which can be implemented by using notepad or any editor tool. So if any one does not have any software, you can use it by doing the following things which I am going to mention.

Steps to Clean Your RAM Using Notepad:

Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Type FreeMem=Space(10240000000)
Step 3: Save it as “CLEANER.VBS” in any location you like.
Step 4: You can edit the code and write 512 instead of 1024 if you own a 512mb RAM or change to anything you like.
Step 5: Run it !

After this final step your RAM will be free.



FlashGuard.exe or DriveMonitor.exe or DriveGuard.exe worm runs a process named with any of the .exe names.FlashGuard.exe also add itself to system startup, you can see through msconfig command.It also creates startup key in registry to run itself every time on system boot.

Remove FlashGuard.exe Worm

1. Inorder to remove FlashGuard.exe from your computer you need to first end its process running in task manager, right click the process and select end process

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2. Search for the files tmp.exe, delete DriveGuard.tmp.exe or gHmpg.tmp.exe and locate and delete these files.
3. Go to Start Menu –> Run, type msconfig and press Enter key.

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4. Now, open registry to delete the startup key created by the FlashGuard.exe Worm,
5.Open Start Menu–> Run, type regedit and press Enter key

Navigate to the Following path


Now, you need to open your virus infected pen drive and delete the following files

pen drive letter\System\Security\DriveGuard.exe *
pen drive letter\autorun.inf

I hope the solution provided above will help you fix the problem.


FlashGuard.exe or DriveMonitor.exe or DriveGuard.exe worm runs a process named with any of the .exe names.FlashGuard.exe also add itself to system startup, you can see through msconfig command.It also creates startup key in registry to run itself every time on system boot.

Remove FlashGuard.exe Worm

1. Inorder to remove FlashGuard.exe from your computer you need to first end its process running in task manager, right click the process and select end process

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2. Search for the files tmp.exe, delete DriveGuard.tmp.exe or gHmpg.tmp.exe and locate and delete these files.
3. Go to Start Menu –> Run, type msconfig and press Enter key.

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4. Now, open registry to delete the startup key created by the FlashGuard.exe Worm,
5.Open Start Menu–> Run, type regedit and press Enter key

Navigate to the Following path


Now, you need to open your virus infected pen drive and delete the following files

pen drive letter\System\Security\DriveGuard.exe *
pen drive letter\autorun.inf

I hope the solution provided above will help you fix the problem.


13 Jul 2012

Windows 8 – Change Startup Programs

To change the startup programs in Windows XP and Windows 7, you had to open the System Configuration utility by clicking on Start, then typing in MSCONFIG. Clicking on the Startup tab showed you all of the startup items and you simply unchecked the ones you didn’t want to load when Windows boots.

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In Windows 8, if you open MSCONFIG and click on the Startup tab, you now will see a message that it has been moved.

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Thankfully, Microsoft decided to at least keep the tab there and redirect users to the new location otherwise lots of people would suddenly be wondering how to manage startup items! In Windows 8, the startup items have moved to the Startup section of Task Manager. Click the Open Task Manager link.

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As you can see, I only have one startup item on my Windows 8 system right now. The new thing about Windows 8 is that it also tries to give you a “Startup impact” value so you can quickly see if one particular startup item is really slowing everything down. The values are High, Medium and Low. After a few restarts, you should start seeing the value instead of Not measured.

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To disable a startup program in Windows 8, you have to right-click on the item and choose Disable. No more check boxes!

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So that’s about it. A slightly different procedure in Windows 8, but overall not a lot of change. Another new thing you might have noticed is that it will actually group all the related processes together (Snagit screenshot above) and tell you the impact of each process. Unfortunately, you can’t disable each item individually, but have to disable the entire group. Maybe before the final release of Windows, they will change it so you can disable individual items in a group.

If you Read More Details Click Here

Windows 8 – Change Startup Programs

Reference : http://www.online-tech-tips.com

Read and Open POT .PO .MO Extension Files

Trying to open, view or edit certain file extensions in Windows isn’t always the smoothest process. Windows, by default, supports numerous extensions including all of the MS Office formats. However, there may be some additional steps required to open other file types, such as POT .PO and .MO.

POT, .PO and .MO files are common in PHP programming, WordPress and other programs that require multiple language translations. Should you encounter a POT, .PO or .MO file, here’s how you can view it and edit it.

Notepad can usually open anything, but when using the app to open one of the mentioned file types, it presents the text unformatted, scrambled, etc…

Instead, of using Notepad, download a specific text editor called Poedit. Jump to the downloads page and proceed to download the according version for your operating system. Note that the software is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The software is also open source freeware, so there is no charge.

Upon successful download, proceed to install the software on your PC as you would any other program.

Once the software has been successfully installed, you can now view and edit POT, .PO and .MO files. Simply double click a file to launch it instantly in Poedit.

Because POT, .PO and .MO files are standard translation and language files, the Poedit software automatically lists the original string along with the translation. Note how the above document appears as should, and is not jumbled or scrambled.

To edit a string, simply click once to select the string + translation. From there, the software will load the original string with translation into the edit box.

Using the edit box, you can simply edit and delete strings and translations as you would any text document, similar to Notepad or Word.

If the objective is to copy the original string to the translation field, you can also right-click any string and select Copy original to translation field, which will delete the existing translation and replace it with the string value.

That’s basically all there is to it. Now, you can edit POT, .PO and .MO language files simply and quickly. Initially, I tried opening the files with Notepad and Dreamweaver, but neither program could preserve the text formatting. Poedit, however, is a freeware open-source alternative that works great. Poedit might not be a program that you use everyday, but should you need to edit or view these file types, you will have an applicable program to handle them. Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post.

Read and Open POT .PO .MO Extension Files

Reference : http://www.online-tech-tips.com

Remotely Access a PC or Mac from a Smartphone or Tablet

Being able to access the files on your PC or Mac from your smartphone is ultra convenient, as you likely store significantly more files and data on your computer, than you do your phone. Your computer is likely the main hub for your photos, videos, media, business data and more.

However, if you’re on the go and need to access an important file on your computer, cloud services require that the particular file be stored in a specified cloud backup folder. For example, with Dropbox, this would be the Dropbox folder. If you’ve forgotten to copy the file to your cloud folder, then it won’t be accessible from your smartphone or tablet.

In today’s post, we will review how you can actually gain full access to your PC or Mac, including being able to access files, run applications and more, directly from a smartphone or tablet.

Android Smartphones and Tablets

Remote Desktop by Kolakowski Damian (Free)

This free remote desktop app works by pairing your smartphone with your computer via web browser (Chrome or Firefox). Its unique interface also allows for smoother, more responsive navigation from a smartphone or tablet.

Pocket Cloud Remote Desktop Pro ($14.99)

Pocket Cloud Remote Desktop Pro is a premium remote desktop client that boasts nearly perfect Google Play ratings from users. Aside from basic desktop access, the app is also fine tuned for touchscreen navigation. Unique features like the navigation wheel allow you to navigate your desktop more effectively from touch screen devices.

Team Viewer Free Edition (Free)

Team Viewer Free Edition is one of the more popular remote desktop apps in Google Play. Using the Team Viewer exclusive client interface, you simply download the app to your device, download the app to your computer, and you’re set to go.

Splashtop Remote Desktop ($4.99)

Splashtop was one of the first companies to provide remote desktop apps for smartphones and tablets. Their Splashtop Remote Desktop software for Android offers plenty of features and exclusive navigation controls for making desktop navigation simpler, from a smartphone or tablet’s touchscreen interface.

2x Client RDP/Remote Desktop (Free)

With plenty of features available in a free app, 2x Client RDP might be a great remote desktop choice. Unique built-in optimizers and controls make the remote desktop connection auto optimize view for smartphones and tablets. Need to edit Word documents on the go, but forgot to add them to Dropbox? The responsive application views for this app make even editing files simple.

Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad

iTeleport ($24.99)

The $24.99 price tag seems a bit high, but if you want one of the best, professional remote desktop apps for your iDevice, you may want to consider iTeleport, an app that has been solidly recommended by many Mac and Apple users.

LogMeIn (Free)

With a LogMeIn account, the free app, and the desktop app, you can control your Mac or PC from your iPhone, iPod or iPad seamlessly. With full computer access and LogMeIn’s exclusive controls, you can edit Mac or Windows documents simply, even while on the go from a smartphone.

RDM Desktop Lite (Free)

If simplicity is the key, you may want to consider using the RDM Desktop Lite app to access your Mac or PC from an iDevice. Including just enough features to get the job done, but not too many that the app is overwhelming, RDM Desktop simply works.

PocketCloud Remote Desktop (Free)

We mentioned the paid, professional version of Pocket Cloud above, for Android smartphones. However, the company also supports the iPhone/iPad/iPod platform via their PocketCloud Remote Desktop Free Edition. Available on Android also, PocketCloud is one of the more popular apps that offers great compatibility for more platforms.

iSSH ($9.99)

If you want an app for remote desktop connections, but prefer a direct connection via SSH, you might want to consider the iSSH SSH emulator for iPhone, iPod, iPad and Mac. Exclusive features include desktop manager and some unique interface controls.

Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. The apps mentioned above are among the best remote desktop client apps for Android, iPhone, iPod and iPad Touch, that will give you full access to your Mac or PC desktop on the go. Need more than just access to a folder on your desktop (cloud), you may want to consider one of these apps, which allow you to edit documents, view files, and even run programs.

Remotely Access a PC or Mac from a Smartphone or Tablet

Reference : http://www.online-tech-tips.com