20 Aug 2012

Hide and Unhide Folder Options Missing

Hide and Unhide Folder Options Missing
Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".

Now goto User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.

Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

Hide and Unhide Folder Options Missing

Make Non Deletable and Readable Folders

Make Non Deletable and Readable Folders
Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

By holding down alt, then typing numbers on the number pad (right of the keyboard) you can create special characters. If you hold down alt, then press 1, then let go, you got the ascii character 1. You try some randomn numbers. This goes all the way up to 255. Open a dos prompt, and type md (alt+1+9+4)someword. md is the dos command to make a directoy, now try and open the directory in Windows, you can't. To open it, type ren (alt+1+9+4)someword someword (ren is the dos command to rename).

Make Non Deletable and Readable Folders

Change Windows Restriction for any Program

Change Windows Restriction for any Program
Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

You can add and delete Windows features in this Key shown below. Zero is Off and the value 1 is On. Example: to Save Windows settings add or modify the value name NoSaveSettings to 0, if set to1 Windows will not save settings. And NoDeletePrinter set to 1 will prevent the user from deleting a printer.

The same key shows up at:

CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer so change it there also if you are using different profiles.
1.Open RegEdit

2.Go to 

3.Go to the Explorer Key (Additional keys that can be created under Policies are System, Explorer, Network and WinOldApp )

4.You can then add DWORD or binary values set to 1 in the appropriate keys for ON and 0 for off.

NoDeletePrinter - Disables Deletion of Printers
NoAddPrinter - Disables Addition of Printers
NoRun - Disables Run Command
NoSetFolders - Removes Folders from Settings on Start Menu
NoSetTaskbar - Removes Taskbar from Settings on Start Menu
NoFind - Removes the Find Command
NoDrives - Hides Drives in My Computers
NoNetHood - Hides the Network Neighborhood
NoDesktop - Hides all icons on the Desktop
NoClose - Disables Shutdown
NoSaveSettings - Don't save settings on exit
DisableRegistryTools - Disable Registry Editing Tools
NoRecentDocsMenu - Hides the Documents shortcut at the Start button
NoRecentDocsHistory- Clears history of Documents
NoFileMenu _ Hides the Files Menu in Explorer
NoActiveDesktop - No Active Desktop
NoActiveDesktopChanges- No changes allowed
NoInternetIcon - No Internet Explorer Icon on the Desktop
NoFavoritesMenu - Hides the Favorites menu
NoChangeStartMenu _ Disables changes to the Start Menu
NoFolderOptions _ Hides the Folder Options in the Explorer
ClearRecentDocsOnExit - Empty the recent Docs folder on reboot
NoLogoff - Hides the Log Off .... in the Start Menu.
And here are a few more you can play with
RestrictRun - Disables all exe programs except those listed in the RestrictRun subkey

This key has many other available keys, there is one to even hide the taskbar, one to hide the control panel and more. I'm not telling you how, as someone may want to play a trick on you. The policies key has a great deal of control over how and what program can run and how one can access what feature.
In the System key you can enter:
NoDispCPL - Disable Display Control Panel
NoDispBackgroundPage - Hide Background Page
NoDispScrSavPage - Hide Screen Saver Page
NoDispAppearancePage - Hide Appearance Page
NoDispSettingsPage - Hide Settings Page
NoSecCPL - Disable Password Control Panel
NoPwdPage - Hide Password Change Page
NoAdminPage - Hide Remote Administration Page
NoProfilePage - Hide User Profiles Page
NoDevMgrPage - Hide Device Manager Page
NoConfigPage - Hide Hardware Profiles Page
NoFileSysPage - Hide File System Button
NoVirtMemPage - Hide Virtual Memory Button
In the Network key you can enter:
NoNetSetup - Disable the Network Control Panel
NoNetSetupIDPage - Hide Identification Page
NoNetSetupSecurityPage - Hide Access Control Page
NoFileSharingControl - Disable File Sharing Controls
NoPrintSharing - Disable Print Sharing Controls
In the WinOldApp key you can enter:
Disabled - Disable MS-DOS Prompt
NoRealMode - Disables Single-Mode MS-DOS
To add or remove programs in the Registry
1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to the desired Key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices

3. Add a new String Value and name it anything you like
4. For the value data, enter the path and executable for the program you want to run.
By adding the value to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive instead allows the program to start only when that user is logged on.
If you add the value to the RunOnce key the program will run once and be removed from the key by Windows.

Change Windows Restriction for any Program

Add and Remove startup programs in Windows

Add and Remove startup programs in Windows
Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

To add or remove programs in the Registry
1.Open Regedit  Start-->Run-->regedit

2.Go to the desired Key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices

3. Add a new String Value and name it anything you like

4. For the value data, enter the path and executable for the program you want to run.

By adding the value to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive instead allows the program to start only when that user is logged on.
If you add the value to the RunOnce key the program will run once and be removed from the key by Windows.

Add and Remove startup programs in Windows

Lock your personal folder

Lock your personal folder
Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

Suppose you want to lock the folder movies in d: which has the path D:\movies.
In the same drive create a text file and type

ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

Now save this text file as loc.bat

Create another text file and type in it

ren movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} movies

Now save this text file as key.bat
     Now you can see 2 batch files loc and key. Press loc and the folder movies will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents. Press key and you will get back your original folder.
try it out!!!!!!!
Note: It is safe as in case if you loose the key file, you can create it again but the folder name must be correct.

Lock your personal folder

Load Your Menu Faster

Load Your Menu Faster

Computer tips and tricks as well as software, hardware, internet that help make you more productive and your overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable. Computer tips and tricks, tricks,computer tips, computer, tips, information, listing, tip, computer tip, about, windows, internet, internet, ticks, explorer, Microsoft

Go to Start then Run
Type 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'
Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"
Select "MenuShowDelay"
Right click and select "Modify'
Reduce the number to around "100"
This is the delay time before a menu is opened. You can set it to "0" but it can make windows really hard to use as menus will open if you just look at them - well move your mouse over them anyway. I tend to go for anywhere between 50-150 depending on my mood.

Load Your Menu Faster

9 Aug 2012

How do you choose a good password?

How do you choose a good password?

How do you choose a good password?

1. Don't use words that can be found in any dictionary of any

2. Develop a mnemonic for remembering complex passwords
3. Don't use passwords that are based on personal information that

can be easily accessed or guessed
4. Use both lowercase and capital letters
5 .Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters
6. Use different passwords on different systems

How do you choose a good password?

Disable CD Auto Run in Windows

Disable CD Auto Run in Windows

Disable CD Auto Run

1. First go to: "Start --> Run"
2. Type "regedit" with out quotes
3. Navigate to


4. In the right pane, create a new DWORD value by the name

5. If the key is already there, just set the value to 0 in order

to disable AutoRun.To enable it, change the value to 1
6. Exit the Registry and reboot

Disable CD Auto Run in Windows

Add a program to the right click menu

Add a program to the right click menu

1. First go to: "Start --> Run"

2. Type "regedit" with out quotes

3. Navigate to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell"

4. Add a new Key to the "Shell" Key and name it anything you like.

5. Give it a default value that will appear when you right click a folder, (Eg:"MyTest")

6. Navigate to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\MyTest"

7. Now you have to add a New Key named Command and Set the (Default) value of the application you want to run.

Eg:example: c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe(Include fuil path)

8. Exit the Registry and reboot

Add a program to the right click menu

Use middle button in the Mouse for easy work

Use middle button in the Mouse for easy work

Use middle button in the Mouse for easy work

1. Close the tab in the Web browser by clicking the middle button of the mouse on the tab. It works in Internet Explorer, FireFox and Chrome. I hope It will work in other web browsers as well.

2. Click the middle button on a link, that opens immediately in a new tab. It works in IE, FF and Chrome.

3. If you have the habit of organizing book marks using folder, then You can click the Middle button of the mouse on the folder, all the websites in that bookmarks folder will be opened in separate tabs.

4. You can scroll most the documents by simple click and hold of the middle button, and move your mouse, Now you can see that documents scrolled easily.

Use middle button in the Mouse for easy work

Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes

Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes

Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes

When you first install Windows 7, it asks for your language, time and currency. Based on your responses, it installs a set of wallpapers and themes.
If you choose English (United States) for your time and currency format, for example, the available desktop backgrounds and themes will include a United States section with scenery from locations such as Maine, the Southwest and so on.

Hidden, though, are background scenery and themes from other English-speaking countries -- Australia, Canada, Great Britain and South Africa. Normally, you can't access those backgrounds or themes, but there is a simple way you can install and use them:

1. In the search box in the Start menu, type C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT and press Enter. (Note: If Windows 7 is installed in a drive other than C:, use that letter instead.)

2. Windows Explorer will launch and show you a list of subfolders under C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT: MCT-AU, MCT-CA, MCT-GB, MCT-US, and MCT-ZA.
Each subfolder has wallpapers for a specific
country: AU for Australia, CA for Canada, GB for Great Britain, US for the United States, and ZA for South Africa.

For any of the countries whose wallpaper and themes you want to use, go into its Theme folder, for example,

C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT\MCT-ZA\Theme. Double-click the theme you see there (for example ZA).

Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes

Get a Power Efficiency Report in Windows

Get a Power Efficiency Report in Windows

Get a Power Efficiency Report in Windows

Have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it. To use it:

1. Run a command prompt as an administrator. To do this, type cmd in the search box, and when the cmd icon appears, right-click it and choose "Run as administrator."

2. At the command line, type in the following: powercfg -energy -output \Folder\Energy_Report.html
where \Folder represents the folder where you want the report to be placed.

3. For about a minute, Windows 7 will examine the behavior of your laptop. It will then analyze it and create a report in HTML format in the folder you specified. Double-click the file, and you'll get a report -- follow its recommendations for ways to improve power performance.

Shake Your Desktop Free of Clutter

Shake Your Desktop Free of Clutter
Shake Your Desktop Free of Clutter

If you frequently run multiple programs simultaneously, your desktop can get extremely cluttered. This can get annoying if you're working on one program and want to minimize all the other windows -- in previous versions of Windows you had to minimize them individually.

With Windows 7's "shake" feature, though, you can minimize every window except the one in which you're currently working -- in a single step.
Click and hold the title bar of the window you want to keep on the desktop; while still holding the title bar, shake it quickly back and forth until all of the other windows minimize to the task bar.

Then let go. To make them return, shake the title bar again.

You can accomplish the same thing by pressing the Window key-Home key combination -- although doing that is not nearly as much fun.

Shake Your Desktop Free of Clutter